How I Work

How We Start

My singular method of helping people to understand their unique response to the world, means that they will embark on a journey of self-discovery that will allow them to slowly, but surely, transform into the person they truly are. Modern life creates huge challenges for all of us, and causes imbalances that reduce physical, emotional, and spiritual joy. People often lose sight of their soul, or essence, and live life on autopilot, because the digital age, which is still new, has come upon us too fast, and there is no map with which we can calmly navigate it.

The initial in-depth consultation allows me time to understand your holistic history, and how you live your life, and to conduct some Ayurvedic and modern medicine diagnostics. This detailed approach is hugely beneficial to both of us, as it allows us to get to know one another, and you to feel comfortable sharing many details about your life with me. It also helps me to assess the current state of your unique mind, body and spiritual constitution. This is the constitution you were born with, which is in constant flux, and needs to be understood well. Whilst we have an in-depth conversation, I will already be gathering information that will ultimately help me to discover what the root causes of your imbalances are, and how long they have been creating difficulties for you.

Your bespoke guidance map will be emailed to you within two to three working days of our initial meeting. It takes time and effort to put all my findings on paper, and I never rush this stage. I will point out all the areas of your being where I feel there are imbalances, and of course mind, body and spiritual synergy is the ultimate goal. I tend to focus greatly on mind health, and relationship to self and others, as I find that this greatly impacts on the balance of physical, and spiritual health. Everything is introduced in stages, so that nothing is overwhelming, but I do require honesty and openness, without which you will not be able to benefit from my knowledge and experience, and of course Ayurveda’s transformative wisdom.

Upon commencing the first stage of the programme, you will sense a subtle shift in your being, and will enjoy the feeling of lightness it will give you, knowing that you are managing your own holistic balance, getting to know yourself probably for the first time in your adult life, and finding you are smiling for no particular reason!

Ongoing work together

Very often, those I work with are amazed at the speed with which the positive changes to their health occur, and are keen to share their feelings with me during the first follow-up session. It is hugely transformative and empowering, to finally begin to feel a sense of the unravelling of layers of disturbance to your internal landscape. However, to achieve lifelong mind, body, and spiritual knowledge that you are able to carry with you for the rest of your life takes time, and requires empathetic, ongoing support, and encouragement from a guide. I expend a huge amount of energy on my work (although it doesn’t feel like work, because it’s my purpose) with clients, and I get results. For this reason, I do not work with people for less than six months, and we will speak every 3-4 weeks, after the first two consultations. Many of my clients have been with me for far longer than this, and I love how they feel their lives have changed for the better since they began their journey with me.


Initial Consultation – 1.5 hours
Follow- up consultation – 1 hour

£285.00 to include your ANALA bespoke guidance map

Ongoing regular telephone/zoom consultations -45 minutes
